Well it's official, as of Aug. 19th 2009, Emma became a Glen Rose Beaver! Who knows if that's where she will spend the rest of her school days, but for now...she's a beaver. I know for some, this is like a knife to the heart....afterall, momma went to Magnet Cove, aka "the rival!" It's okay though, because daddy was a "beaver" and thinks it's pretty special that his baby girl is going to the same school, in the very same building, that he went to when he was a little boy! It's funny because after all these years, there's a couple teachers that are still there that remembered Clint and his brothers...BY NAME! CRAZY!
Anyway, Emma did great her first day and was so excited to go to her new school. As expected, she made friends instantly! We are now 2.5 weeks into school and she has already been named "Miss social" by her teachers...wonder who she gets that from? LOL So far, she's been a great "student" and has brought home smiley faces on her behavior chart every day...this makes mom and dad proud! I had to compliment the teachers on what a great job they are doing making learning fun....Emma has been asked several times now what she learned at school and her reply EVERY time is "We don't do that at school, we just eat, play, sing songs and stuff like that" LOL Silly girl! We hope she continues to have fun and enjoy school!