Whew....Christmas was great this year, but I must say i'm glad it's over!!! It all started the week before Christmas at my granpa's with a fun family gathering. We played games, had some good food and exchanged gifts. We always spend Christmas Eve at Clint's parents house....I call his mom "Betty Crocker" because her cooking is wonderful! We enjoyed the famiy time and of course Emma had a blast opening presents! When we got home, we put cookies and milk out for Santa and it was time for bed!....I had the priviledge of staying up until 2 a.m. getting things ready for Christmas day!!! Emma is usually a late sleeper (8 or 9) , but I guess she was to excited and woke us up at 7 ready to go! The first thing she did was gasp and say "Mommy, Daddy, Santa ate it all!!" We had so much fun watching her face light up with every gift....everytime she opened one she said "This is great or I love it, Thank you!" She even helped baby brother open his presents! We went to my Aunts house with the rest of the family for lunch and then we went back to my moms for our family gift exchange and dinner. Emma had a great time playing with her new toys and "Hunka Brian"....that's really what she calls my brother!! So cute! Of course the kids got way to many presents and i'm still trying to find somewhere to fit everything!!!! It was a wonderful Christmas for our family and I look forward to making lots of memories in the years to come!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Christmas 2007
Whew....Christmas was great this year, but I must say i'm glad it's over!!! It all started the week before Christmas at my granpa's with a fun family gathering. We played games, had some good food and exchanged gifts. We always spend Christmas Eve at Clint's parents house....I call his mom "Betty Crocker" because her cooking is wonderful! We enjoyed the famiy time and of course Emma had a blast opening presents! When we got home, we put cookies and milk out for Santa and it was time for bed!....I had the priviledge of staying up until 2 a.m. getting things ready for Christmas day!!! Emma is usually a late sleeper (8 or 9) , but I guess she was to excited and woke us up at 7 ready to go! The first thing she did was gasp and say "Mommy, Daddy, Santa ate it all!!" We had so much fun watching her face light up with every gift....everytime she opened one she said "This is great or I love it, Thank you!" She even helped baby brother open his presents! We went to my Aunts house with the rest of the family for lunch and then we went back to my moms for our family gift exchange and dinner. Emma had a great time playing with her new toys and "Hunka Brian"....that's really what she calls my brother!! So cute! Of course the kids got way to many presents and i'm still trying to find somewhere to fit everything!!!! It was a wonderful Christmas for our family and I look forward to making lots of memories in the years to come!
Best Buddies forever......
The Eisele crew came over to visit a couple of weeks ago and for the most part it was a nice visit for the kids and mommies. Graham and Emma COULDN'T WAIT to see eachother since it had been a while.....of course they were fighting within 5 minutes of being together!! LOL Kids will be kids I guess! For the first time EVER we had all 4 kids asleep at the same time, so Mere and I were able to catch up....for a whole 15 minutes! LOL It's so neat that we grew up together (since 6th grade anyway) and now both sets of children are close in age and will grow up as great friends too!!! Of course I had to take a few pictures....Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
He's FREE!!!!
I got a wonderful early Christmas present today.......a call from Grant's pediatrician letting me know that he doesn't have to wear that apnea monitor anymore!!!!!!!! That's right.....no more "wires attatched", or as I call it "his tail!" I can't tell you happy this makes me!!! Of course i'm glad that everything looked great from the download on the monitor, but equally glad to not have to lug that thing EVERYWHERE I GO!!! Just had to share the excitement!
Friday, December 14, 2007
A little update on my lil' man.....
We took Grant to the ENT doctor today for another checkup on his ears and he STILL has some fluid on them, which is causing him not to pass his hearing tests. The Dr. said this is VERY common among preemies not to be alarmed. Sooooo.....he is sched. to have tubes put in his ears on Jan. 8th. They said it was a very minor 10 minute procedure and he will go home the same day. I know it's for his own good, but he's already been through so much already that it breaks my heart for him! Please keep my lil' guy in your prayers!!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Breakfast with SANTA!
Last Saturday, Emma met one of her best friends Ana at a local church to have breakfast with Santa. The girls had a great time visiting with Santa and twirling around like ballerina's. Ana put in her request for a puppy so of course Emma thought she would ask for one too....we told Santa she already has 2 BIG puppies at home so she settled for a baby doll! LOL Santa was very patient through the MANY pictures being taken!
Christmas Parade
Emma had a blast riding in the X-mas parade last Thurs. My cousin works for a local investment company and they did a "Winter Wonderland" themed float complete with freezing kids! I think that was the coldest night yet! Emma and her favorite cousin Hayley snuggled up and tried to keep eachother warm!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Picture with SANTA!!!!
As you read in the previous post, Emma was very excited to meet Santa! I was so happy that he actually looked like the real Santa and not just some man with a fake beard and mustache! She hasn't stopped talking about him since the day we got pictures done. I am planning to take her to a "breakfast with Santa" Saturday morning......I think she will love it! Enjoy!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
"Mommy look.....it's SANTA"

We went to USA Drug yesterday and got the kids picture made with Santa. The actual picture won't be ready for me to pick up until Monday, but I thought I would go ahead and post a few pictures of them in their cute outfits. Emma was SOOOOO excited to finally meet Santa and yelled out "Mommy look, it's SAAAANTA!!!" It was so cute and I know Christmas is going to be so much fun at our house this year. Grant is quite the happy little guy these days too......just look at that cute smile!! He is even starting to make cooing sounds when he gets excited.
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