I am still trying to adjust to the fact that Grant is 1 already...it went by SOOO fast! He had a great birthday party although he had no clue what was going on..he was just smiling at everyone and soaked up all the attention! It was such a big moment when everyone sang Happy Birthday to my little guy (again, he had no clue what was going on) and I fought the tears until I couldn't anymore and then the waterworks started..it was such a special moment and of course I was thinking of the day he was born! He LOVED his duckie cake and was enjoying every bite...UNTIL mean mommy came along and took it away...the picture says exactly what he thought about that! LOL He recieved so many nice presents...i'm still trying to find a place for everything! I am SOOO thankful for all my friends and family...Thank you so much for sharing in Grant's special day and making his day especially "ducky"!! I tried my hardest to get some pictures of all the kids, but I just couldn't get them to sit still long enough!LOL I decided to make the cupcakes myself...I though they turned out pretty cute! Adorable duckie smash cake! Table Centerpieces complete with Vanilla flavored suckers that said Happy Birthday...I made these out of empty formula cans! Nevermind the water bottle...I had to use it as a weight so the balloons wouldn't carry off the cans! LOL Vanilla flavored duckies Party Favors! These were for the babies and the bigger kids got a few toys and a yellow bath loofah. Okay, so mommy lost it when they started singing Happy Birthday! Mean Mommy...Why did you take my cake??
To all of you who are patiently waiting on pics from Grant's b-day, I am still editing and hope to have them posted this evening!!! There were about 150 pictures to sort through so it's taken me a while!
Grant, I can't believe it's already been a whole year since you surprised us and made your early appearance!! You were born on August 14th, 2007, 2 months early, weighing 2 lbs 11 ounces and were 14 3/4 inches long! I remember the first time I saw you...you were ever so tiny and I wanted to scoop you up in my arms and hold you but that moment would have to wait a few weeks!! From the start you amazed me and so many others, including the nurses and doctors, with your fighting spirit...you were SO small but SO strong!!! We did have a few scary moments, but you improved almost every day and before I knew it (although it felt like YEARS to me) 2 weeks had passed and you were FINALLY in my arms!! From then on it was just a waiting game...waiting for you to gain weight, waiting for you to eat from a bottle instead of that yucky tube they had in your nose and waiting for that day we could finally bring you home!! FINALLY on September 26th, 44 days after you were born, we brought you home!! Daddy and I weren't the only ones who had waited so patiently for this day...your Big Sister Emma was so excited that her "baby brover" got to come home too!! She had only seen you in pictures and got to meet you 1 time while you were in the hospital...she talked about you all the time and was so excited when we told her you were coming home to see her! Our family felt so much more complete having you home where we could gaze at you for hours if we wanted to! LOL One word that comes into my mind this morning is THANKFUL...Daddy and I feel so thankful that God was watching over you and has allowed us to be your parents!! We (and MANY others)prayed everyday for you and for God to take care of you!! I am also very thankful for your health...the doctor's have told us several times how amazed they are by your progress and the fact that you haven't been sick..not one time!! That isn't real common with preemies and they usually see the doctors and visit hospitals several times with complications, but I know God has his hand in it and has kept you healthy!
You have brought so much joy and happiness into our lives and many others!! You just melt my heart with your big blue eyes and that sweet smile that seems to light up a room instantly! Daddy, sissy and I love you SOOOO much and are so blessed to have you as part of our family!! I look forward to watching you reach all your milestones and grow up to be a healthy little boy!! You will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart and will always be my little "miracle man"!!
Happy 1st Birthday GRANT HUDSON!!!! I love you, Mommy
Well Grant FINALLY got his first tooth last week!! The poor kid has been chewing and drooling on everything for like 3 months now..I knew it had to be soon! His first tooth is his top right/midlde which was strange to me because the bottoms usually come in first! I guess every child is different though. Since then, 2 more are making there appearance...the other top middle tooth and one on the bottom...my poor guy! Sorry for the nostril pics.....it was the only way to get a shot of his toofers! LOL
I am an on-location natural light photographer specializing in maternity, newborn, children, senior and family portraits.
Here you will find sneak peeks from recent sessions and info about upcoming specials and products!