I am still trying to adjust to the fact that Grant is 1 already...it went by SOOO fast! He had a great birthday party although he had no clue what was going on..he was just smiling at everyone and soaked up all the attention! It was such a big moment when everyone sang Happy Birthday to my little guy (again, he had no clue what was going on) and I fought the tears until I couldn't anymore and then the waterworks started..it was such a special moment and of course I was thinking of the day he was born! He LOVED his duckie cake and was enjoying every bite...UNTIL mean mommy came along and took it away...the picture says exactly what he thought about that! LOL He recieved so many nice presents...i'm still trying to find a place for everything! I am SOOO thankful for all my friends and family...Thank you so much for sharing in Grant's special day and making his day especially "ducky"!! I tried my hardest to get some pictures of all the kids, but I just couldn't get them to sit still long enough!LOL

I decided to make the cupcakes myself...I though they turned out pretty cute!

Adorable duckie smash cake!

Table Centerpieces complete with Vanilla flavored suckers that said Happy Birthday...I made these out of empty formula cans! Nevermind the water bottle...I had to use it as a weight so the balloons wouldn't carry off the cans! LOL

Vanilla flavored duckies

Party Favors! These were for the babies and the bigger kids got a few toys and a yellow bath loofah.

Okay, so mommy lost it when they started singing Happy Birthday!

Mean Mommy...Why did you take my cake??

It was such a cute party. Every detail was adorable.
Your "ugly cry" face makes me laugh!
So sweet! I can't believe he's already a year either!!
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