Most of you already know about the arrival of our son Grant Hudson, but I am new to this "blogging thing" and that this was a good place to start. Grant is 2 months old today, this is so wierd to think about because he wasn't actually due until this week! He is doing great and so far has proved to be a healthy little boy. At his last weight check he was 5lbs 4oz....I plan on taking him by the pediatricians office tomorrow for another weight check....I bet he's close to 6lbs! Emma has been a great BIG sister and i'm relieved to say there are no signs of jealousy so far!! She is a great helper and loves to sing to Grant and give him "sugars" as she calls it. We are so thankful that God has blessed Clint and I with 2 beautiful children....I look forward to watching them grow up together!!!
He's such a cutie patootie! I love that baby so much already, and feel blessed to have been there the day he was born. I love that our kids are getting to grow up together. I know they will be the best of friends, just like their mommies! :)
YAY! You have a blog!!
Yes, my belly is popping big-time! LOL!
Grant is SOOO cute!
I'm glad you found us!!! We are getting very excited and I am getting anxious for our little bundle of joy to be here. I'm so glad that Grant is doing well and that everyone is at home, healthy, and happy! I'll keep watching for your updates!
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