Thursday, December 13, 2007

Breakfast with SANTA!

Last Saturday, Emma met one of her best friends Ana at a local church to have breakfast with Santa. The girls had a great time visiting with Santa and twirling around like ballerina's. Ana put in her request for a puppy so of course Emma thought she would ask for one too....we told Santa she already has 2 BIG puppies at home so she settled for a baby doll! LOL Santa was very patient through the MANY pictures being taken!


Brittany Schwaigert said...

OMG that picture of her with Ana looks like two miniature versions of you and Lindsey! TOO FUNNY!

Lindsey said...

HA! Brit's comment is funny!

Meredith said...

looks like fun!

Leah said...

Okay...both of these girls are the cutest ever! I love Emma's little outfit and Ana is just adorable! For some reason, I've always thought blonde haired, brown eyed kids are the cutest. I guess it's because you don't see it that often.