Monday, September 29, 2008
Out with the old....In with the new
Since everything around me is looking so warm and cozy for fall (which I LOVE), I decided the Blog needed some special treatment too! I'm still in search for a better background but this will do for now. I absolutely LOVE Fall and everything that comes with air, college football, pumpkin spice candles, beautiful scenery, a trip to Branson, MO (usually..I am DYING to go right now!) and our Annual Wright Fall Bash (I THINK this will be our 5th year!).
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A first time for everything......
Yesterday was a another BIG day in our house....Grant started crawling!!! I have been working with him for about 15 minutes each day to encourage him to crawl and he finally took off yesterday all on his own! I am not a superstitious person, but I think it is quite amazing that he wore his "I am a MIRACLE" shirt (my friend Brittany sent this to me when he was was HUGE until now) yesterday for the first time AND i'm supposed to be getting a call today to set up Physical Therap b/c he wasn't crawling yet....and all of the sudden he crawls yesterday!! I knew he would be delayed due to being a preemie, but I admit I was a little worried that he still wasn't crawling at 13 months! Thank you AGAIN God for listening and answering my prayers!!! I am working on loading a short video clip, but for some reason it won't download...i'll keep trying!! In the meantime, here's a couple pics of my big boy..he was so proud of himself!

Duck, Duck, Duck.....GOOSE
Part of the reason I have been away from the blogging world (posting anyway) for the past couple of weeks is b/c I was getting things ready for a HUGE consignment sale called DUCK DUCK GOOSE that was held in Little Rock last weekend. I saved ALL of Emma's clothes, not knowing if our next child would be another girl or a boy, and I had Rubbermaid totes of clothes EVERYWHERE that were in the way! I had planned on consigning last Fall, but then little man decided to show up early, so that didn't happen. Anyway....It was a NIGHTMARE trying to sort through everything and pick only 75 items (that's the limit) out of all those clothes, so my mom came to help! My living room looked like a bomb had went off for several days, but it was SOOOOO worth it and consignors got to shop a day early!! I ended up making $430.00!!!! SCORE!!! Of course some of that is going back into the clothing fund so I can buy them more clothes! :) They are holding another DDG Sale next will be the first for Hot Springs and is being held at my church. I still have a bunch of Fall/Winter clothing so i'm participating in this one too....why not, right?? Might as well try to make some more $$$ instead of it taking up space in the house!
The INSANE lane of people waiting to shop EARLY!!
The mound I purchased! I really didn't get much, a few cute outfits and a walker for Grant! We have one, but it doesn't adjust down very low and he couldn't touch the floor...this one is awesome and he loves it!! Gotta build up those leg muscles! lol
Monday, September 22, 2008
To Chew, OR Not To Chew????
WARNING This is not for the weak stomach people to read!! LOL

Well yesterday was another interesting day around the Wright house! LOL Grant now has 4 teeth and 2 more are working their way through, so needless to say, he is putting EVERYTHING in his mouth!!! I put him down for his usual afternoon nap yesterday and could here him in there playing, then he started fussing. This went on for about 10 min, so I finally went in there to settle him down and try to get him to sleep.....THEN I smelt this strange (but familiar) smell and figured out what the fussing was all about!!! My son was chewing on a MILLIPEDE!!! YUCK!!!!

We have been having some issues with these millipedes coming into the house for about a month now (apparently they become more abundant when it's very wet or very dry...we have had our fair share of rain and flooding!!) I quickly scooped it out of his mouth and decided to call poison control just to be on the safe's not like I know much about these lovely creatures!! LOL They said they weren't poisonous (THANK GOD!), but they do release something that could cause a skin reaction and that I needed to watch him and make sure he didn't develop any blisters around his mouth! Everything was fine and my little man was snoozing away 15 minutes later!!! What a LOVELY experience that was....SOMEDAY I will tell Grant this story and be laughing about it instead of being grosed out! LOL
While we are on the subject of CHOMPERS....Look at the chompers on the ADORABLE towel my friends Brittany sent Grant for his birthday!! I think he's the cutest dinosaur I've ever seen!!! Thanks Greyson!

Well yesterday was another interesting day around the Wright house! LOL Grant now has 4 teeth and 2 more are working their way through, so needless to say, he is putting EVERYTHING in his mouth!!! I put him down for his usual afternoon nap yesterday and could here him in there playing, then he started fussing. This went on for about 10 min, so I finally went in there to settle him down and try to get him to sleep.....THEN I smelt this strange (but familiar) smell and figured out what the fussing was all about!!! My son was chewing on a MILLIPEDE!!! YUCK!!!!

We have been having some issues with these millipedes coming into the house for about a month now (apparently they become more abundant when it's very wet or very dry...we have had our fair share of rain and flooding!!) I quickly scooped it out of his mouth and decided to call poison control just to be on the safe's not like I know much about these lovely creatures!! LOL They said they weren't poisonous (THANK GOD!), but they do release something that could cause a skin reaction and that I needed to watch him and make sure he didn't develop any blisters around his mouth! Everything was fine and my little man was snoozing away 15 minutes later!!! What a LOVELY experience that was....SOMEDAY I will tell Grant this story and be laughing about it instead of being grosed out! LOL
While we are on the subject of CHOMPERS....Look at the chompers on the ADORABLE towel my friends Brittany sent Grant for his birthday!! I think he's the cutest dinosaur I've ever seen!!! Thanks Greyson!
Hair Today.....Gone Tomorrow!
Saturday was a big day....After the exhaustion of being a cheerleader, Emma got her first BIG GIRL haircut!! She has had a couple of trims, but this is the first haircut and I LOVE IT!! I will admit...after the first few snips of the scissors, she already looked so much older and my heart broke, but just a little! Emma loves it too...she tells everyone she sees about her new haircut and this morning she asked me "Mommy, is my hair beautiful like yours?" Soooo sweet!
Following in her Mom's Footsteps????
Saturday we made a trip over to the Panther Stadium to watch Emma's cousin Hayley cheer for the Pee Wee football team. Emma wasn't exactly in MC (Magnet Cove)colors, but they allowed her to go down on the track and cheer in her Razorback colors! LOL I must admit, it was a little surreal seeing my pretty little girl down there cheering (she tried anyway) on the same track I used to cheer on not long ago!! She had a blast with Hayley and the other girls and said she wanted to do it again!
My little Razorback fan!
Minnie Mouse in the House.....
Our family had the pleasure of attending Miss Kennadi's 2nd Birthday party a couple weekends ago at a local park. The theme was Minnie Mouse, and what MM party would be complete without EARS...Jill made the adorable ears and Grant even had his own set of Mickey ears!! The cupcakes were quite yummy and extra cute with the Minnie picks! We had a great time and enjoyed seeing a lot of familiar faces. Kennadi...Thanks for inviting us to share your specail day with you!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
There's no place like home!!
Well, after 3 days and 2 nights at my mom's, we are FINALLY home!! Gustav was not very kind and decided to dump tons of rain our way....this left our road about 5 inches under water with no way out!!! If that wasn't enough...we were stuck here without electricity (only for a day, but with 2 kids that long enough!!). When the water finally went down enough (it was still up to the door on my Tahoe) I loaded up the kids and half the house and headed for mom's! Clint came a little later b/c he was trying to let the generator run as long as possible so our food in the fridge/freezer wouldn't ruin. Being at my mom's is like being at home...the kids love it there, mom cooked dinner, and even gave Clint and I her bed for 2 nights while she slept on the couch with Emma. BUT, since mom works at home now, I was constantly worried that Emma was in her way or bothering her AND it's no fun living out of a suitcase!! I decided to call my house this morning on the way to drop Emma off at school, and to my surprise the answering machine picked up!! I called Clint, who then called our neighbor, and they said it has just come back on about 30 minutes before. I decided to come home and try to clean up the mess we left behind on Wed. before I went back to mom's to get all the stuff we toted over there. We are finally home and as the saying goes....THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!
Thanks mom for allowing us to invade your're the best NaNa!!
Thanks mom for allowing us to invade your're the best NaNa!!
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