Saturday we made a trip over to the Panther Stadium to watch Emma's cousin Hayley cheer for the Pee Wee football team. Emma wasn't exactly in MC (Magnet Cove)colors, but they allowed her to go down on the track and cheer in her Razorback colors! LOL I must admit, it was a little surreal seeing my pretty little girl down there cheering (she tried anyway) on the same track I used to cheer on not long ago!! She had a blast with Hayley and the other girls and said she wanted to do it again!
My little Razorback fan!
Grant looks so handsome in his little sweater. I'm jealous the little cheerleaders had REAL uniforms, not some tacky little shirt like we had-ha! Emma is a sweet little cheerleader.
I agree with Mere! REAL UNIFORMS?? They have come a long way since our white panther t-shirts!!!!
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