Part of the reason I have been away from the blogging world (posting anyway) for the past couple of weeks is b/c I was getting things ready for a HUGE consignment sale called DUCK DUCK GOOSE that was held in Little Rock last weekend. I saved ALL of Emma's clothes, not knowing if our next child would be another girl or a boy, and I had Rubbermaid totes of clothes EVERYWHERE that were in the way! I had planned on consigning last Fall, but then little man decided to show up early, so that didn't happen. Anyway....It was a NIGHTMARE trying to sort through everything and pick only 75 items (that's the limit) out of all those clothes, so my mom came to help! My living room looked like a bomb had went off for several days, but it was SOOOOO worth it and consignors got to shop a day early!! I ended up making $430.00!!!! SCORE!!! Of course some of that is going back into the clothing fund so I can buy them more clothes! :) They are holding another DDG Sale next will be the first for Hot Springs and is being held at my church. I still have a bunch of Fall/Winter clothing so i'm participating in this one too....why not, right?? Might as well try to make some more $$$ instead of it taking up space in the house!
The INSANE lane of people waiting to shop EARLY!!
The mound I purchased! I really didn't get much, a few cute outfits and a walker for Grant! We have one, but it doesn't adjust down very low and he couldn't touch the floor...this one is awesome and he loves it!! Gotta build up those leg muscles! lol
Do you have any size 5 shoes or 18/24 month onesies from Emma's stash left?
That line is crazy! I wish I had gone. Thought about doing the Hot Springs one, but decided I better not after looking in the boys' closets. ;)
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