Monday, September 22, 2008

Hair Today.....Gone Tomorrow!

Saturday was a big day....After the exhaustion of being a cheerleader, Emma got her first BIG GIRL haircut!! She has had a couple of trims, but this is the first haircut and I LOVE IT!! I will admit...after the first few snips of the scissors, she already looked so much older and my heart broke, but just a little! Emma loves it too...she tells everyone she sees about her new haircut and this morning she asked me "Mommy, is my hair beautiful like yours?" Soooo sweet!


Meredith said...

Emma, you look so pretty! I love your new hair cut. Miss Dawn did such a good job.

Jeff said...

love, love the new hair cut! such a cutie! :)
how did our little girls become BIG girls so fast...


Brittany Schwaigert said...

Gosh--she looks so GROWN UP!!!

Lindsey said...

I LOVE it! Such a cute little frame for her pretty face. Big Girl! Nice job, Miss Dawn.