Grant is ALL OVER the place and into EVERYTHING since learning to crawl! I have to watch this kid 24/7 because he is always trying to sneak around and get into things. Well, Monday he was on a mission to wake his sister up from her nap! He kept squealing to the top of his lungs and the fact that I kept saying "SHHHHH, be quiet Grant" didn't even phase him! Then he took off down the hall to her room and kept pushing on the door trying to open it..it really irritated him that the door wasn't opening so he started squealing AGAIN and even louder than before! LOL I brought him back to the living room and he turned right back around and headed towards the room again...by then I GAVE UP! Who am I to stop this little guy that wants so badly to play with his sister??!! I think the pictures explain the rest......
In deep concentration
Almost there....
Taking a second to look back at me...he knows he's not supposed to be going in there! Little Turkey!
Squealing at sissy...which in baby talk translates to "Hey! Wake up"
I might as well see what I can get into since i'm in here...
Mission Accomplished! The look on his face kills me...like her really knew he succeeded!
YAY she's up...let's play!
My sweet (and mischievous) little man!
Oooo--he is SO cute!
I love the one where he looks so determined--like "get outta my way Momma!'
Very cute! He loves his sissy.
His expressions crack me up!
He is such a little character. He's gonna give that sister a run for her money! :)
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