Oh how I LOVE this girl!!! She is so much fun right now...dressing up, baby dolls, fabulous art work, the funny way she interprets things, the best big sister ever...i could go on, but I think you get the picture! She is such a girly girl, but LOVES to go outside with daddy in her camo overalls and ride the 4-wheeler, dig in the dirt and pretty much what daddy does, she's going to do too! She is getting so big and to be honest...it breaks my heart somedays! To think that she's almost FOUR already...my BABY will be starting T-Ball in the spring (many of you have been hearing about her playing T-Ball for about a year now..LOL)and will be starting Pre-K next August!!! How has this much time passed so quickly? I am so grateful that I have been able to stay at home and enjoy every second of the past 4 years with her..what a blessing!!! As I read this post, I realized that I might be having an "emotional day" today...but I guess we are entitled to those every once in a while, right?!

She is getting SO tall! I think she'll get her Daddy's height! I want to come play dress up with her!
Love the KK outfit! I can't get over how grown she looks! When did that happen?
She's got some great dance moves-ha! So much fun girly stuff. :) Love that girl!
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