WOW...it's hard to believe that it has already been 5 years since we started this Fall tradition! It is such a huge event and takes a lot of planning, but it's something I look forward to every year! There were a few families that weren't able to attend this year and we still had about 70 people at my house last weekend! I wasn't able to get a lot of pics of the activities because I was too busy taking everyone's family pictures, which I love! We had Bingo, Pumpkin Toss, Pumpkin walk, face painting and everyones FAVE..the hayride!. What Fall party would be complete without CHILI?...we had about 6 different kinds to appeal to everyone's taste, along with Fritos, hot dogs, yummy desserts and hot chocolate! It took me about 2 days to recoupe from the event, but it was SOOOO worth it! I am so grateful to have such an amazing family and wonderful friends to share this tradition with!

I always decorate the porch for family pictures!
It's funny...I never was the "artist" but I will say my art skills have improved drastically since high school art class!
The hayride leaving
Me and my girls
Good gracious girl! That looks like a ton of work, but a lot of fun too! HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
Looks like fun! What a great thing to do for your family and friends!
Thanks for hosting! It's always fun to see everyone and kick of the Fall season! Everything looked so festive-great job!
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