This year Valentine's Day was very low key...Clint worked all day and since the holiday fell on a weekend, we opted not to fight the crowds! Instead, Emma and I spent the afternoon preparing a very special candlelight dinner for 4! lol She enjoyed it so much and loved that it was a surprise for daddy since we didn't tell him we were doing this. We had a very nice dinner complete with heart shaped cakes for dessert...chocolate with cream cheese frosting YUMMY! I tried to make the evening special for all of us and think it was a success. Emma told me "Mom, this is fancy!"...she was so excited that she got to drink out of a "fancy cup" as she called it! My mom has offered to watch the kids another evening so Clint and I can have a date night and we will definately take her up on that soon, but this was another day of special memories to add to list!
Making my Valentine..cute!
The finished product
I helped Emma make this on the computer for her daddy. She picked out the picture and saw that there were three hearts and said "Me, Grant and Daddy", but then got upset b/c there wasn't one for me! LOL I told her that was okay b/c this was a Valentine for daddy from them and we only needed three hearts...she was okay then! LOL
This is exactly what we did! Except minus the fancy place cards!! LOL
That meal looks yummy. She is such a daddy's girl-love it! Very sweet.
The meal looks really good. I bet that was fun for all. I know Halle would LOVE something like that. We'll have to try a "fancy" dinner with the girls sometime.
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